Thursday, April 22, 2010


Two questions:

1-Why do some guys think that relentlessly making fun of people is funny? I have several co-workers of the male persuasion who don't know when to stop and genuinely think that finding ways to laugh at anyone else's expense is hilarious and totally socially acceptable. No, my feelings are not hurt...their stupidity does not cause me emotional distress, I just find it extremely irritating.

2-Why is it that guys expect you to find their mockery of you humorous but when you turn the tables and burn them with some mad teasing skills of your own, they get offended? I'm just saying, don't dish it out if you can't take it (you big babies).

In conclusion...boys, a little teasing is good. But you can only take it so far before it's ceases to be funny and becomes annoying. So learn when to stop...if you don't know how much is too much, find a nice, honest female friend to ask. Because seriously, you're not as funny as you think you are.

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