Saturday, March 23, 2013


It is time! lol...

So...I went to University of Washington.  Dr. Kendall is really nice...she did help me.  Remember Megan (UW project)?  Dr Kendall "the boss" to Megan.  

Anyway...I went to UW because she (Dr. Kendall) want me to class...because I have aphasia.  So, there 2 aphasia also (so, me, Dixie and Matt).  It was "Speech Therapist 1" (a lot people).  People don't know there a lot stroke...not the same.  It was toooo nervous!  Because...people they think a stroke is for "old."  You know...Grandma and Grandpa.

Nope.  I am stroke was 29.  I'm young.  Is like...woah.  Yup (Dixie is "Grandma," but Matt is young also).

So...we talked.  They have, "what happened?" and "can you more (talk, writing, read, etc.)?"  It was good...really  I said, "I'm not weird!  My brain is good (well, kinda lol)...I'm not psycho!" LOL.  People is nice...class was sooo nice.  Seattle...people is nice!

Now, I don't care.  That's good!!  Before, I, "Shhhhh!!  No no no!"  Now but now...I say, "Sorry, I can't talk because I'm have a you me (groceries, store, etc)?"  I'm not afraid.  2 years...gone.  Phew!  ;)

Thank you Dr. and your class students card is nice (also, starbucks card was good lol)!


Laura said...

Way to go! I'm so proud of you! I'm so glad you aren't afraid to talk to people about your stroke and aphasia anymore. I'm glad that you're able to ask for help when you need it. It is amazing to see how far you've come, and how hard you are working!

Hopefully you'll be able to keep working with Megan! I wish I could meet her!

Love you!

wisp said...

You amaze me. You are so strong and keep getting stronger! I am so glad you aren't afraid anymore. That is awesome! I am so proud of you! I am excited about this class. :) So wonderful! We send you hugs and hugs! I miss you very much. Keep on keeping on, babe. ;) You can do it!

Anonymous said...

You go sis!