Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Singin' in the Rain...

Ok, I didn't sing. I ran.

When I woke up this morning, I asked my wonderful husband what the weather was like, since he was by the window. He looked and replied that it was a really nice day, which to me meant that it was sunny. So I said I wanted to go for a run, since running is good for me and I've been trying to do it on a regular basis. If Jacob is around when I go, he puts on his roller blades and goes with me...and today was no exception.

After I had put on my running clothes (shorts and a tank top) and he had put on his roller blades, off we went. Once we got outside, I looked at the very cloudy sky and asked, "Really nice day??" Mental note to self: what my husband thinks is a nice day is definitely not what I think is a nice day. I commented that it looked like it was going to rain at any second, but it was the perfect temperature for a run so I was going to go anyway.

20 minutes passed and it started to sprinkle...then another 10 minutes passed and it began to actually rain. I didn't mind...in fact, I said to Jacob, "Well if it's gonna rain, it might as well pour." And after another few minutes, pour it did.

At this point, I decided it was probably time to go home as I was getting pretty wet and Jacob was getting not only wet but cold as well. We started to head home and when we were about halfway there, the rain poured down even harder and then...it hailed. Only for a minute or so, but I was surprised and amused how much it actually hurt...probably because both my arms and legs were exposed. I ran the rest of the way home muttering, "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." with every step I took. It was good times. This is what we looked like by the time we got home:

Admit it, we look badass. Especially my super sexy tan line. Um, yeah. The end.


Jennifer Bowman said...

hahaha awesome!! love the pic

Petey said...

"Damn the rain..."

Those are the only words that come to mind with this entry, courtesy of Manos: The Hands of Fate. Which we should watch if you haven't seen it before.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! I love your super sexy tan line (and I am so dang jealous...think I am going to go tanning to catch myself up)

I am very impressed you ran in the rain! I went running one time and it started snowing on me...blizzard style! It was kind of fun...but really really cold.

Can't imagine how hail felt...except really painful!

kajsia mccoy said...

she who runs in the rain will get wet... and stink.