Saturday, February 20, 2010

NOT Having It

In case anyone was wondering, THIS (*circles oneself to show bubble of personal space*) is a drama-free zone. Totally, completely, 100% drama-free. So please stop acting like we're still in high school and keep the drama to yourself. If you're really that bored, here's a list of things you can do to entertain yourself:

-watch a movie
-catch up on your soap opera...or get hooked on one if you haven't already
-read a book (I'm happy to suggest some good ones other than Twilight)
-go to the gym
-go for a walk
-go for a drive
-play a video game
-start a blog
-go shopping
-learn to knit
-learn to cook...or if you already know how, try a new recipe
-hold your own iron chef competition
-draw or paint a picture
-learn the meaning of life
-listen to some music

There are 15 perfectly good suggestions for you. Please try one, instead of assaulting me with your stupid accusations and he said/she said bullshit. Because I'm busying doing other things, like working full time (and overtime) to support my husband while he finishes school, making multiple trips to the infertility clinic to try to start a family, paying rent and other bills...ya know, grown-up stuff.

Thank you.


wisp said...

Well, I heard that YOU said... Just kidding. >:D I completely understand how you feel. I'm trying to disentangle myself from those people, as well. It is so tiresome to have someone stirring up constant drama. I hope you can get some emotional distance from these people. Luvs!

kajsia mccoy said...

i just think the world is a mess. And people want to complain to you about it. Boooooooo. You should suddenly develop a hearing problem. Sorry, you don't understand BS.