Friday, July 18, 2014

Hi my blog! I miss you! hell is done. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No trial, no, I can write again (haha kinda ;)).  I could write what happen, but who cares?  LOL that's why I go to therapy (YAY therapy!).  ;)  

Freedom is awesome.

1 year ago my life was crazy.  I was shy, anxious, SAD, and not happy.  It is hard still...blah blah stroke blah blah...but now, I am confident and happy...still lonely but I am moving to Utah.  :)  Hi family and friends, I am coming!!!


wisp said...

Yay! It is over! You are so strong! I am so glad you can go home. And yay for blogging again! (I also need to. x.x) Things are looking up!

nancy mohamed said...

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