Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, I really feel like I should follow up my last post (holy depressing, Batman!) with something that says, "Hi everyone, things are still crappy but rest assured I'm not going to kill myself." we go...

Random things that make me happy:
  • Jacob
  • My kitty needing to be wherever I am, including the bathroom (he waits outside the's kinda creepy, but it makes me laugh)
  • Good music
  • Dr. Pepper
  • Spending my weekend hanging out w/friends and eating junk food
  • Sleep, when I manage to get some
  • NOT having to move in a month
  • Hearing the owls hoot at me when I get home from work
  • Spring will (hopefully) be here in just a few more weeks
  • Chatting over Indian cuisine

Ok well--I have a meeting at work soon so I have to stop there. But there's a nice, solid list of positives. I feel better.


Anonymous said...

You and that indian cuisine....I'm sensing an obsession. haha.

Love you tons!!

Jennifer Bowman said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better! :)

kajsia mccoy said...

i think you forgot talking to your sister. kajsia. because i am a party. usually. except when i'm angry. nevermind.

wisp said...

I love the fish curry, gulab jamun, and kheer. Oh, and, of course, the rose milk. :)