Friday, August 21, 2009


I should probably be more private about how I feel about the things going on in my life right now. Eh, screw it.


LyndiLou said...

Is there anything I can help with?!?

Love you. Sending hugs and wishes and sunhine your way.

wisp said...

I wish it didn't hurt so much. Whatever you need, call me. I'm here.

Anonymous said...

I love this song....but knowing what you are going though gives it new context and meaning.

My heart aches for you. I wish I could change it....fix it. But for now I am praying for you.

Plus I'm going to start holding bake sales....or something. :)

Oh....and totally off the subject, but sometime your going to have to show me how to make a link like that. :)

Love you sis.

Petey said...

I hope all is better with you... call me and let's talk/do lunch soon. Soon soon.