Monday, October 12, 2009


More coming on this later--but I wanted to post the trailer for the movie Jacob and I saw yesterday. You know how I'm always on the quest to find a horror film that's actually scary? Well, mission accomplished...

I can't find a video that's low def enough to fit all the way on blogger, but you can still get the idea.


kajsia mccoy said...

it's just a movie right...?

Jiles The Great said...

Yeah, it's a mockumentary. But it was filmed in the director's house, in which he's experienced "weird things." Dun dun DUN.

kajsia mccoy said...

I heard (on the radio of course) this movie is so scary, people are leaving the theater. AHHHHH

LyndiLou said...


I'm a weenie... and I'm scared to click on your link!


wisp said...

It looks so scary that I wonder if I'm too much of a puss ... but I soo want to see it...