Saturday, May 15, 2010


Dear KSL's Studio 5,

Question...what in the world made you think it was a good idea to air a story on how to cope with infertility featuring a woman who has a child? No, I did not miss the part where you went over how she struggled for a long time to conceive and went through a couple failed rounds of in vitro which I'm sure was very traumatic...but then she got pregnant on her own so...what gives? What, pray tell, are those of us who are still childless and rapidly having to face the possibility that we may never have biological children, supposed to learn from this? That after we've spent thousands of dollars on failed treatments there's still hope? That maybe we'll be lucky enough to experience some kind of miracle like she did? And how exactly did you expect us to feel when she sadly expressed how hard it is to tell her little boy that he might never have a sibling? Are we supposed to feel bad that she may be stuck with just one child while some of us very likely could end up with no children at all? No seriously, please tell me because I'm REALLY not understanding how this is supposed to help me or anyone else in my position.

Maybe I'm just bitter at the moment. Maybe I'm simply struggling with the fact that if this round of treatment doesn't work, I have just one option left which is incredibly expensive and in no way guarantees I will become a mother. But truly, I felt that story was in extremely poor taste. Granted, the fact that I just happened to see it while in the waiting room at the fertility clinic was a big fat dose of irony I really didn't need or appreciate and that is not your fault...but still, shame on you. While that woman did have some good advice and suggestions (although, no offense, I did the whole relying on the Lord thing and it got me absolutely nowhere), you featuring her as some kind of expert on acceptance is, pardon my french, complete BULLSHIT. Because when it comes down to it, she had to "accept" the fact that she was infertile for what, a few years tops? Yeah yeah yeah, she has to accept the fact that she may never have another child. But as far as I know, we childless couples would be perfectly happy with only one child. So did you honestly think we'd relate to that?? Seriously lady, be grateful for what you have because there are PLENTY of people who will never have what you do.

So yeah, I'm angry. And perhaps I'm taking this anger out on your retarded show. But do you think it's unreasonable of me to ask that you take more than 2 seconds to freaking THINK about the stories you cover before you actually air them? Maybe next time you could, you know, talk to someone who is currently dealing w/infertility and see how they would respond to your "dealing with hard stuff" feature.

Frustratedly and angrily signed,

Here's the video if you can stomach it. Be warned, it's pretty long.


Spyder said...

I fail to follow the logic. The fact that she had a child I would think proves that she now retains the capacity to have children. Tell you what, I'm gonna go interview Paris Hilton about how hard it is growing up in the ghetto.

wisp said...

I'm sure the kid she has at home helped her "embrace her infertility." Good god. I've hated Studio 5 for some time because they showcase the stupidity of much of the slc media (for example the horrible grammar - "caused her Fallopian tubes to not work properly") and also because it portrays itself as a news show when it is completely prejudiced toward the lds religion. I didn't realize how used to being outside of Utah I was already - showing her reading her scriptures and relaying a story from them and so on. It really felt like a church program, not a newscast.
But I digress. It annoyed me so much that she kept referring to herself as infertile. She doesn't understand that if you get to be a mother, you don't get to say you're infertile. Perhaps that there is difficulty conceiving or something. The tears about not knowing if or when she could have ANOTHER child was very insensitive. Reading books and making friends with other people that can't have kids wouldn't make me feel better, I'll tell you that much. Maybe they could have interviewed, I don't know, maybe an actual medical specialist? It bothers me when people coming from their own limited experience decide they know everything and need to tell others how to be. I'm so sorry about how many people just don't f***ing get it. I love you babe. And you are stronger than that. Far far stronger.

Jiles The Great said...

Ugh, I seriously miss you guys. Seriously. Thank you for agreeing w/me about the absolute stupidity of this feature (not to mention the whole show, which felt like a bad relief society lesson).

wisp said...

That's exactly what it felt like. And honestly, I don't see how this woman is staying strong when it's tough. She got her "miracle." How about the people that stay strong with no miracles and no reprieve from the difficulty? Isn't that the endurance we should be applauding? You are completely justified in your feelings, babe. 100%
And we miss you guys, too. Like CRAZY!