Monday, June 7, 2010


Dear everyone who has called me, texted me, e-mailed me or otherwise contacted me and I have failed to respond...also to those I have promised to contact in any of the ways listed here but have not done so,

I sincerely apologize.

Between dealing with my stress-filled job, preparing myself for the fact that starting next week I will only see my husband once every month or two as he will be living in a completely different state for the next year...and, of course, experiencing the emotional roller-coaster that is this lovely infertility situation...I really haven't been up for much...of anything.

I'm not trying to whine and I hope this doesn't come across as me throwing myself a big ole' pity party because that's not how I roll. I love you all and I always appreciate your kind words, your support and your friendship. I'm just in a weird place...someplace I've never been before...and for the time being I prefer to be here alone (if it makes anyone feel better, at least my negligence isn't discriminatory, right?).

So I wanted to say I'm sorry for not being the type of friend that I usually am. And I also wanted to reassure everyone that I'm not sitting in a black suicidal hole of despair...despite what my lack of contact might look like I am ok, I promise. I just really gotta figure this out on my own. I will try to do better though, so please don't give up on me. :-)


wisp said...

No worries, cute girl. Everyone deals with stress differently and that's ok. :) And I think it's time I be a better friend to you for a while. (Like actually mailing your cds... heh heh.) Take your time figuring things out, and I'll be here whenever you're ready. ;)

Laura said...

Don't worry about it. You take care of yourself first and foremost. I am always here for when you need a distraction though. Call me anytime, and I'm happy to share the load of you need to talk.

I love you!

Cajsa said...

I love you sweetpea! but you already knew that :)

Anonymous said...

I could choose to be offended....

but you know me too well to believe that. :) If you decide you need some company (or some nephews/neices to take your mind off things for a few hours....give me a call!!