Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm Baaaaaack...

Hi people. I have so much I could potentially write about...here we go.

First, it's movie review time:
The Dark Knight-AMAZING. Enough said. Although for a more in-depth analysis, feel free to check out my friend Peter's blog (the link is to your right). He is, after all, a Batman expert. :-)

Mamma Mia!-Surprisingly enjoyable. For me, at least...after all, I was QUITE skeptical. I think to really like it, you'd have to be a dyed in the wool ABBA fan (which I am, thanks to my parents...who made sure my siblings and I were very well versed in their songs starting basically when we were born), and I also think people would enjoy the movie more if they've already seen the actual show (although they might be slightly irked at the things that didn't make the final cut of the movie). I am not a Meryl Streep fan, but she surprised me with how well she did. And kudos to Colin Firth for being one of the most entertaining gay characters I've ever had the pleasure of watching. One complaint though...WHO in the WORLD cast Pierce Brosnan as an American??? And a NEW YORKER no less!! Sheesh, not only was he the worst singer in the entire cast, but he couldn't hide his British accent to save his LIFE. Awful. No offense to him, he's a pretty good actor...but this was NOT the role for him, by any stretch of the imagination.

The Midnight Meat Train-Worse than horrible. Not that most of you would ever consider seeing it...after all, it's an R-rated slasher flick. But it was BAD, even for Clive Barker (who directed films like Hellraiser, if that helps any of you...). Seriously, I was pissed that we actually spent money on our tickets, even though we only spent about $3 (it was released directly to the dollar theater, which I tried to tell Jacob was a very bad sign...). Yeah. I'd reccomend staying at home to stare at the wall, it would be a better use of your time.

Moving right along...here's what's been going on at our house as of late:

I bet you have no idea what that is. My camera is not cool enough to effectively capture fire, and I know this because I tried it on every setting it had. Anyway, this is the view from just outside my front door at 2:00am on July 25th after some brainiacs hiked the Y and lit off a bunch of fireworks for the 24th...and managed to catch the mountain on fire. Jacob had gone to sleep way before this happened and had left the window open...so our house smelled like a campfire that night. Good times, eh? I was never worried about having to be evactuated or anything, but I will admit it was slightly unsettling to arrive home from work and see the fire so close to our house. So kids, don't hike a mountain covered in dry gass and light off fireworks. You'll probably get arrested if you do.

Here's what my cats have been doing lately:

I know, that's not super exciting...but I think they're so dang cute. Not every afternoon, but quite frequently they'll come sunbathe once it gets to be about 4:00pm...that's the optimal sun time (and our apartment usually gets quite hot...). I'm usually insistant on closing the blinds so it doesn't start cooking in here, but when my cats do that I just leave them open...yes, I'm a weird cat lady.

Ok, gotta go pick up Jacob from the airport (yes, he's flying planes 4 times a week now...with his instructor in the cockpit with him, of course...but still, he does most of it by himself), but those of you who know me will not be surprised to hear that I am far from finished. Until next time...when I will talk about weddings, Twilight (yes, you heard me...I got hooked on those damned vampire books), and whatever else I have in my head at the time...


Anonymous said...

And she writes!! (well, types...I guess) Good to have you back sis.

Here's my 2 cents about your 2 cents. The Dark Knight -- heard it's awesome, but sadly I haven't seen it. Connie took the boys...which kind of ticked me off. I DON'T think it was a kid movie...but that is just me and my assumptions.

Mamma Mia -- LOVED IT. Though my friend Denae and I were both in agreement that poor Pierce Brosnan struggled with the singing. I love him as an actor...a BRITISH actor, but he just isn't a natural singer. Other than that, it was a hoot. My kids already have the whole soundtrack memorized....hehe.

Didn't see midnight meat train...I know, big shocker. I guess I could stare and the wall for 90 minutes to make up for it. lol

Fires in your backyard...I still need to SEE your backyard; oh and the rest of your new apt too. I think I might call you this weekend....

Cute cats...need I say more?

Yeah Jacob for flying! Does he love it? We are rooting for the both of you! Love you tons.....

Jennifer Bowman said...

HAHAHA YES! I knew Twilight would get you, you can't help it!!
Your cats are cute too by the way! ;)