Monday, November 17, 2008

SO not what I had in mind...

First, the good news: I still have a job. Not that most of you knew I was potentially not going to have a job...but I do, so go me.

See, they recently (as in, last week) reorganized the entire call center where I work by combining the 2 largest departments: customer service and data entry (I work in data entry). While I had originally taken comfort in the fact that I was hired on as a permanent employee, I've been an unwilling participant in the stupidity of corporate America long enough to know that none of that shit matters in a merge situation. And a merge always means lay-offs. The "letting go" began with the assistant manager of my department (although between you and me, I'm quite positive that wasn't really due to the reorganization; she was, um, not the best employee), followed by another 13 or so people from customer service and a couple more from data entry. FORTUNATELY, I was one of the very few to survive...and as a bonus, I made it through without having to take a pay cut, and I even think I'm going to stay a supervisor.

But now the bad news: we have to take customer service calls as well as data entry calls. NOT that I am opposed to having more work to do. Truth be told, sometimes I felt kind of guilty for getting paid to do such an easy job. So more work is definitely not the's the type of work we're now doing. In data entry, our calls were primarily sales reps and technicians, which is good mainly because there's really no reason that you'd ever get yelled at. Sometimes they're rude, but for the most part it's pleasant work. Customer service calls are a different story. When I worked in a call center for Sears, I was yelled at on almost a daily basis, and I really did not like it (I only lasted about 3 months before I quit--my last day there still ranks pretty high on my list of best days ever). In fact, I vowed never to work that type of job ever again. And now, here I am. Tonight a customer yelled at me for 20 exaggeration, the call was 23 minutes long and she was irate from the moment I answered the call...and of course, my hands were tied by the fact that she signed a contract so there was nothing I could do for her, which only raised her ire. Sigh. To be fair, most of the people I talk to are very nice...but it only takes one call like that to ruin your day (or in my case, night).

Am I gonna quit this job? Nope, I really don't think so. The management experience is valuable to my resume, I like my co-workers (mostly), we REALLY need the health insurance, and I've been watching the Utah Dept. of Workforce Svcs job board and I know I won't be able to make this much money without going to Salt Lake because Utah County is horribly cheap (and I have already done the commuting thing--I don't care to repeat it). So now I gotta find a coping mechanism because while I am a professional and will get the job done, this is not what I thought I'd be doing when I took the job.

Suggestions, anyone?


Jennifer Bowman said...

Pooey yet great that you still have a job and NO pay cut. As for suggestions...uhh is there anyone cool there you work with? If so, talk to them... ALOT. that helps! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm -- I want to say "Yay" and "crap" all in one breath. But that would be "Yap" -- not sure it carries the same punch. lol

At least you have a job. Dang those corporate merges.

Yap yap yap.