Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Veronicas Love Utah

Ok so I know I'm a dork, but I'm subscribed to The Veronicas page on facebook, so I get all these updates and video links. Today's was some interview they did--most of it is about living in LA and who inspires them and what not, but in the last minute or so they talk about the concert they did last year in Salt Lake and how it was one of their best concerts ever--and naturally I was excited because my sister Kaj and I were SO there...we are the ones who knew all the songs. That's right, they love us.

Anyway, I know Kaj will probably be the only one to watch it but here's the video:


Curious Works said...

I guess I'm too sheltered 'cause I hadn't heard of The Veronicas..but I watched the video and am now a fan..Thanks :)

kajsia mccoy said...

That shed sucked though. but i would do it again.

Anonymous said...

You are so obsessed....