Sunday, March 13, 2011

Probably the Last Ones...

Hi friends...

Here are the most recent belly pics (yes Cajsa my dear, these are mainly for you)...I had Jacob take a couple the other night and another one today. These will probably be the last ones I post since even though I'm no longer scheduled for an induction this week, I will have them for sure by the 31st (my doctor doesn't let his twin moms go past 38 weeks)...which is obviously later than I'd like but not too awful...and then I can post pics of them instead. :-)

So here you have it...the belly at 35 weeks...

Yeah, the grey striped shirt does a better job of making the belly look smaller than it actually is...don't know if you can tell much, but they've dropped a bit...which I hope means that maybe they're planning on coming soon.

I think this is my "I'm sooooooooooooo ready to be done" expression haha.

I was going to post pics of my swollen feet as well, but I don't want to scare anyone...seriously, I don't. Can't wait for them to be back to their normal size (so I can wear my shoes again). :-)

So yeah, there you have it. I'll keep you posted on if they decide to induce me on the 24th (I hope I hope I hope) and of course I'll let y'all know once the boys are here...and thanks to all for your encouraging comments and kind words. I know my posts have been super whiny lately. Hopefully there won't be any more of those from now on...


wisp said...

Aw! The ready to be done expression makes me want to hug you! xD I'm so excited for these babies to be here at last! =D My thoughts are with you, babe.

Anonymous said...

Be sure to frame the ones of your belly looking the BIGGEST! Gotta show

LyndiLou said...

You are AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful baby pictures! What a great Mom you already are. Those little guys are coming soon... and I'm SO excited for you! ***:D*** YAY!!! Love ya!